Last Updated on March 14, 2025 by
1. Complementary Feeding: A kid should consume solid or semi-solid foods at least twice a day between the ages of 6 and 8 months, and three times a day between the ages of 9 and 24 months.
2. Continue to breastfeed frequently and whenever needed until the child is two years old or older
3. Foods should be the right consistency for the age of the consumer. The consistency should be a purée (or mash) at six months, which is made up of cooked fruits or vegetables that have been crushed, mixed, and drained to a creamy liquid or paste. Foods should be lumpy between the ages of 7 and 9 months. After 9 months, finger foods—foods that are meant to be eaten with the finger and thumb—can be introduced.
4. Foods must have a variety of tastes, textures, and hues.
5. Food should be hygienic, meaning it should be cooked using safe water and
ingredients and stored and reheated according to hygienic guidelines.
6. When the infant is six months old, start with modest portions of food and gradually increase the amount while continuing to breastfeed frequently.
7. Serve foods that are lower in sugar, salt, and spices. Promote eating fresh, home-cooked meals.
8. When unwell, urge the child to consume soft, favorite foods and increase fluid
intake, including breastfeeding more frequently.
9. Encourage the youngster to eat more and give meals more frequently than normal after illness.
10. Feeding isn’t just about Nutrition
· Being exposed to and learning about new flavors, scents, and sensations
Gain independence and communication skills
· Establish the framework for a balanced, healthful diet.
· Development of speech through swallowing and chewing
Encourage ongoing development and progress
11. During Complementary feeding ensure that
· Pick a time when you’re not rushing and your infant isn’t exhausted. Your infant may need some time to adjust to eating with a spoon, so patience is essential. Even if they make a mess, let them use their own fingers.
· The infant exhibits early signs of hunger and is completely awake. A watchful mother can quickly recognize the signs of hunger. The period is ideal for introducing new foods.
· Make the infant sit up straight and away from any electronics such as TVs, phones, or tablets.

· Don’t offer your newborn food that is overly hot or cold; instead, taste it for yourself first.
· At first, try just one new dish at a time.
· Always keep an eye on your infant while they eat for safety reasons, and assist them if they need assistance.
· Your baby should be encouraged to touch and hold the food.
· Wait for your baby to open their mouth before offering them food if you’re using a spoon. Additionally, your infant might like holding a spoon.
· Your infant should not be coerced into eating or finishing their food.
Allowing your child to feed themselves is known as baby-led feeding.
· To make things easy for everyone, baby meals can be the same as those of the rest of the family.
· Be aware of the specific foods that your child should continue to avoid till they are older.
· While chopped nuts are acceptable, whole nuts should be avoided by children under five since they pose a choking threat.
· Bacteria that cause newborn poisoning (botulism) may be present in honey.
· Eggs should be cooked till they are hard boiled to kill any bacteria.
13. Complementary Foods for a baby
a. 6 – 8 months :
Two to three tablespoons of thick porridge and
well-mashed food, two to three times a day, are a good way to begin supplemental
feedings. Continue to breastfeed frequently (BF). (15 ml or 3 teaspoons is
equal to 1 tablespoon).
b. 9 – 11 months :
Start with a bowl or ½ cup of foods that have
been mashed or chopped finely, as well as meals the baby can grasp with her fingers. Give BF three to four meals a day. Serve one or two snacks, depending
on appetite. 250 ml (1 cup/bowl)
c. 12 – 23 months :
Give BF three to four times a day along with ¾th
to 1 cup or bowl of family items that have been diced or mashed. Serve one or two snacks, depending on appetite.

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